Platform Details
- 15-year track record
- Go & Grow
- Portfolio Pro
- Portfolio Manager
Additional Information
- Over 200,000 investors
- Over €900M invested
- Over €100M interest earned
- Advanced analytics
* Capital at risk. Investments made with Bondora are not guaranteed, nor is the preservation of value invested guaranteed. Please note that the yield achieved in past periods does not guarantee the rate of return in future periods. The yield of Go & Grow is up to 6.75% p.a. Before deciding to invest, please review our risk statement and consult with a financial advisor if necessary.
Platform Details
- Get Up to 16.59% Annually
- Guaranteed Buyback
- Auto-invest
- Total freedom on investment size
Additional Information
- Over 11M total invested
- Over 4K investors
- Referral program
Please keep in mind that some risks are normal for all kinds of investing, not only for investing in loans on the Platform. Acknowledgement of different types of risk will help you to eliminate your losses and to become a successful investor.
Platform Details
- Diverse selection of loans
- €19M+ Interest earned by investors
- Buyback Guaranteed
- Bank-grade security
Additional Information
- Over 17000 registered users
- Auto Invest
- New Asset Class
* As with all investment opportunities, the loans offered for investment at Lendermarket platform involve some degree of risk. Lendermarket advises to carefully evaluate the risks associated with investing in consumer loans and seek professional advice before starting to invest money through the platform.
Platform Details
- Loan Listings
- autoinvest
- 500K registered users
- € 8.7 Billion invested since 2015
Additional Information
- Growth mindset
- Transparency
- Authorized investment firm under MiFID
Mintos is a member of the national investor compensation scheme established under EU Directive 97/9/EC. The scheme protects investors by providing compensation if Mintos fails to return financial instruments or cash to investors. The maximum compensation an investor can claim under the scheme is 90% of their net loss, up to a maximum of €20 000.
Platform Details
- Up to 9.96% APY per annum
- No fees of any kind
- 100 million interest paid out
- Withdraw your funds anytime
Additional Information
- Fast track your savings
- Proven track record
- Free €5 on signup, plus 0.25% bonus
- 6 and 12 months Vault options
We kindly ask you to note that no guarantees are offered for investments made with SmartSaver. We advise to carefully evaluate the risks associated with investing in consumer loans and seek professional advice before starting to invest money via SmartSaver.
Platform Details
- Buyback guarantee
- Group guarantee
- PeerBerry app (IOS, Android)
- Loyalty program
- Auto Invest
Additional Information
- Over 30M interest paid to investors
- Over 2.5B total invested
- Over 80 000 investors
With all investments your capital is at risk and the value of your investments and the income deriving from it can rise as well as fall. Past performance is not a guide to future performance.
Platform Details
- 18000+ registered users
- Over €8M invested in brands
Additional Information
- First loss capital guarantees
- Co-founder guarantees
- Regular monthly repayments
- €5 bonus for every € 100 invested in Group A
Investment through Scramble involves lending to businesses, consequently, your capital may be at risk. We advise carefully evaluating the risks and diversifying investments.
Platform Details
€4.9M+ Equity invested
20+ projects completed and financed
1,000+ Investors on the platform
Valvest engages in buying, developing and renting or selling properties for its own account and that of its investors, aiming to optimize returns on investment. The content on this website is not tailored to the specific circumstances of any individual, entity, or business. The LEI number of Valvest Finance B.V. is: 724500KDK6WF6F6Y2C56.
Platform Details
- Daily interest accrual
- No fees for investors
- Investment from 1 EUR
Additional Information
- Start with as little as 1 €
- 4000 investors and growing
- 100+ funded projects
Participation, as governed by these contractual documents, is an investment with risks of financial loss. There is no guarantee of a minimum return on an investment, nor can future returns be inferred from past returns on the same investment. There is a risk that the amount invested will be returned only partially or not at all, or late if the borrower defaults on the loan agreement and the claim cannot be satisfied from the
collateral. The investment is secured against a claim on the borrower, but is not subject to insurance.
Platform Details
- € 793M
- Skin in the game
- Secondary market
- Auto – Invest
- Buyback obligation
Additional Information
- Group guarantee
- Risk-adjusted returns
Any investment involves a risk, so before becoming an investor, please evaluate your risk tolerance carefully.