Running out of money can be a daunting situation that many of us fear. Unfortunately, household debt in the UK has reached concerning levels, with an average of over £65,000 per household, as reported by the Money Charity. As more people struggle to generate sufficient income, they resort to seeking external financial assistance. If you find yourself facing a cash shortfall, it’s crucial to make informed decisions and follow these essential tips:

running out of money

Consider Involving Your Family

While financial struggles can be overwhelming, don’t hesitate to confide in your family. Your loved ones care about you and may be willing to help. Share your complete financial situation with them so they can better understand your predicament and provide support if possible.

Embrace the Importance of Budgeting

Creating and sticking to a budget is essential to avoid cash shortfalls. A budget allows you to track your income and expenses, helping you identify areas where adjustments can be made. Contrary to feeling restricted, budgeting empowers you to manage your personal finances effectively and work towards your financial goals.

Avoid Taking Short-Term Credit without Income

Resist the temptation of obtaining short-term credit, such as loans, when you lack a stable source of income. Taking on debt without the means to repay can lead to a financial disaster, accumulating interest and creating a debt snowball. Only consider short-term credit when you have a steady income that ensures timely repayments.

Identify the Root Cause of Cash Shortfall

Understanding why you ran out of money is essential to prevent it from recurring. Typically, cash shortfalls occur due to overspending or excessive debt repayments. Once you identify the cause, take necessary steps to avoid making the same mistakes in the future.

Learn to Stretch Your Money

To prevent future cash shortages, learn to make your money go further. Consider buying second-hand items or seeking cost-effective alternatives for your needs. By saving more and avoiding unnecessary spending, you can create a more stable financial situation for yourself.

Consider a Small Loan for Emergency Needs

If you have a stable job and an average credit rating, a small short-term loan can be a temporary solution to bridge financial gaps. Ensure you understand the interest rates and terms before borrowing. Repay the loan promptly on your next payday as per the lender’s guidelines.

Plan Ahead and Communicate

Rather than waiting until the last minute and panicking about your financial situation, plan ahead and anticipate potential cash shortages. Be proactive in managing your finances and communicating with relevant parties, such as lenders or family members, if needed. Remember that solutions can be found with open communication.


Running out of money can be a stressful experience, but it’s essential to approach the situation calmly and proactively. Talk to your family, create a budget, avoid hasty borrowing decisions, and learn from your financial mistakes. Utilize practical tips to make your money go further and consider small loans for emergency needs if you have a stable income. By planning ahead and communicating effectively, you can avoid cash shortfalls and build a more secure financial future. Remember that seeking assistance and discussing your situation can lead to solutions and prevent recurring financial challenges.

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